Smart Exhaust Bath Fan/Light Timer


The SmartExhaust™ smart controller monitors and controls operation of the bathroom exhaust fan and delivers a precise amount of fresh air ventilation throughout the day, automatically.

SKU: AC-SE1W Category: Tag:


The SmartExhaust™ Bath Fan Control is designed as a replacement switch for the bathroom fan and light. By using a microprocessor to monitor and control fan operation, a precise amount of ventilation can be provided.

There are only two settings on the SmartExhaust™ switch, Ventilation and Delay. Ventilation is the minutes per hour that you want the fan to operate. Delay is the number of minutes you want the fan to run after the bathroom light has been turned off. The Delay time provides additional run time of the fan to complete ventilating the bathroom after use.

Meet ventilation requirements, reduce mold, mildew, pollutants and save energy by installing a Smart Exhaust™ today!

Earn Leed and Energy Star Points and meet the ASHRAE 62.2 requirements for mechanical ventilation.

Ground shipping within the Continental U.S. only.

Click here to view and download product specifications pdf

Click here for downloadable Installation and Operations Manual


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